Saturday, November 7, 2009

Girls Night Out!

I had an amazing time at girls night out at my church last night...I happened to be friends with the speaker and invited some other mutual friends of ours to come here her as well...I sat us in the front row so we could be up close and personal..As many of you know this is so out of my little comfort zone of always being a back row seater! I have always found the back row is the best for the "just in case" I need to make a quick exit...and Im the biggest "just in case" "it might" "should of" kind of girl!!! My hands were sweaty all night long sitting trying hard to hear my friends words on stage but the whole time plotting out my exit plan AND continually looking at the agenda knowing my call of duty was going to be up and I had the huge responsibility of ushering...OMG the thoughts in my head were all eyes were going to be on me..Cause you know people come to actually watch the ushers even more so than the speaker, entertainment, food, raffles, everything...I WAS THE MAIN EVENT! Yep, this is what is going on in my little head...Its all on you, you cant drop the ball, you cant panic, you will be made a fool of... Through this silly self talk I did absorb some of my friends talk about if everyone in that room actually knew of my weakness I would be one of the most real people in the room. We ALL suffer from some sort of anxiousness, nervousness, silliness. I was surrounded by a room full of friends that had their own issues, did it really matter if I screwed up? Would they be there to catch me and pick me up? and say come on Denise lets keep on going! I think so...NO, you know what I know so... I know I need to push myself outside of my little comfort square, that over the years I have put myself in..I know I can be so much more of a wife, mother, friend, and servant of God if I can release this and truly listen to what I am called to do!

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