Monday, July 28, 2008

Growing Kids Gods Way 4

The Fathers Mandate Chapter 4 Chidlren need to TRUST their fathers. A moms arms are comforting but dads arms are secure. Neither time, age, nor gender should limit a fathers touch. Our children are never to old to be kissed, hugged, or held! If you fail to communicate your love through your touch you will leave behind a yearning heart that can be taken captive by anyone willing to give it attention. Many kids have all the material things of life but lack what they really need affection from their father. I truly believe my kids are not lacking there, My husband is always the biggest LOVER. He says even at the alter on their wedding day he is going to give them the biggest sloppiest kiss ever. ewwww! * It is not fear of failure that holds a child back it is the fear of failing someone (usually dad) Let your child trust that you will remain loving and accepting even when he or she fails. View your child's failures as the first steps to success. A father should breathe life into your children's dreams and goals. Hot tip for the dads: Write your children a letter (especially the girls) they will cherish them forever. I have every letter my dad has written me. Whether they be post cards when he was stationed in Saudi Arabia, or a quick note written on a paper bag. At the study I was able to share one that I had on a cork board in my kitchen that said "so do you have any more jobs for me" My favorite part.... Love, Dad

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